Location |
#22201, Engineering Building 1 |
Address |
2066 Seobu-Ro, Jangan-Gu, Suwon, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea |
Telephone |
82-31-290-5827 |
Our College has a long history covering many major fields in Information and Communicaiton Engineering. Our school was established by integrating these three departments in 1996 :
1956 - The Department of Electrical Engineering is established
1970 - The Department of Electronic Engineering is established
1993 - The Department of Control and Instrumental Engineering is established
In short, the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering is a field of engineering that deals with the study and applications of almost all areas of electricity and electronics.
Our school is divided into several teaching and research groups: signal processing, communication and networks, microwave and optics, semiconductor and nano technology, VLSI design; control systems, and electric energy systems. It offers diverse courses in electronic and electrical engineering and students can take courses according to their academic interest.
The overall objective of our school is to educate students equipped with fundamentals in electronic and electrical engineering to be qualified to become capable engineers.
School in Detail 
Undergraduate work initially focuses on a solid foundation in the fundamentals: mathematics, engineering science, circuit analysis, electronics, and computer systems. In later years of study, students also have a wide choice of elective courses to be able to specialize in a particular area. The courses are taught in small-medium-large classes by professors who are established researchers and bring their leading knowledge into the classroom.
Importantly, the creativity of students counts in evaluating the achievement of courses. The programs of our school emphasize laboratory works, with most courses using cutting-edge equipment in modern laboratories.
Our programs are accredited by Accreditation Board for Engineering Education of Korea (ABEEK) similar to the ABET in the USA. In an effort to meet the requirements of the ABEEK, our school is committed to high standards of teaching and research excellence in broad areas of electronic and electrical engineering. To be more specific, the overarching goal of the curriculum is to expose students to the full breadth of electronic and electrical engineering in their first two years, and then let them choose specific courses among various electronic and electrical engineering fields during the remaining years.
For the successful completion of academic study, each student is required to submit a research paper of considerable value or build a working prototype design. To facilitate this process, a variety of Engineering Design courses are offered. These courses provide ample opportunity to design and build a prototype, test it and redesign if problems are found, which is a crucial skill for engineers. In the process of this task, students experience the skillful applications of basic devices and circuits, exercise creativity and learn ways to cope with design issues. To pursue upper-level achievement, more specialized courses emphasize team efforts, and senior projects focus on the design of concrete integrated electronic systems.
For courses and curriculums, follow the link “Course & Curriculums.” on the right side of this page.
Recruiters from the industry recognize that the graduates of our school have extensive hands-on experience in laboratory works. Led by more than fifty faculty members, the research programs of our school cover a wide scope of activities. While our school is already a recognized leader in electronic and electrical engineering, we will continue to pursue substantial contribution to the furtherance of academic study and applications.
We also makes every endeavor to pursue a proactive approach in order to maintain a competitive edge in newly emerging studies. It is our vision to stand among the best in the world in electronic and electrical engineering education and research.
The school has made many agreements with top international universities such as Texas Austin University, Hong-Kong University of Science and Technology, and Nan-Yang Technological University to name a few, with which students will have the opportunity to enjoy course-work experience in international universities, or collaborate with international students as exchange students. Conversely, many international students visit our school every year through an exchange program with agreement universities.