CICE Top-tier International Conference and Sungkyun academic journal list
- 2023-09-18
- Att 1. CICE Top-tier International Conference list.xlsx
- Att 2. 2023 Sungkyun academic journal list(domestic A level).xlsx
Please refer to the attached file for the list of CICE Top-tier International Conference and Sungkyun academic journal(domestic A) for Qualifying Exam (Major) publication requirement.
[ Top-tier International Conference paper ]
A. (Only for Ph.D. and Combined Master/Ph.D) Top tier International Conference listed are counted as 1 point in the Qualifying exam (major) requirements.
B. Not included in the mandatory publication requirements (1 SCI paper is mandatory)
C. Applied date of publication: Published after in March 1, 2018
■ Inquiry
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering: 031-290-5818 /
Department of Semiconductor Convergence Engineering: 031-299-4972