2024-1 Additional Application for the Qualifying Exam(Major) and Pre/Main defense Proposal
- 정보통신대학/
- 2024-05-03
CICE Grad will proceeds with additional application for the Qualifying Exam and Thesis Advisor/Pre/Main defense Proposal as below:
※ This is the last application for this semester. There is no more additional application this semester.
■ Application Qualifying Exam
1. To whom: Applicant of Qualifying Exam(Major) in this semester and scheduled to apply for the main defense
※ If you already have completed the qualifying exam(Major), you don't need to apply for this.
※ For qualifying exam(foreign language), there is already an additional foreign language certificate submission period until March 20, therefore additional submissions are not allowed during this period.
2. Requirement of the qualifying exam(Major): Please refer to follow link
[ Click for Application form and guidance for Qualifying exam(Major) ]
3. Period: May 7(Tue) to May 9(Thu), 14:00
4. How to apply: Submit the completed form and attached evidences of requirements to the department office
5. To where: Refer to the inquiry below for location
■ Thesis Advisor/Pre/Main defense Proposal
1. To whom: Those who plan to pass the pre/main defense in this semester
2. Qualification of application, Necessary documents, and Format: Please refer to the below link
[ Click on for Thesis Advisor form and guidance ]
[ Click on for Pre defense form and guidance ]
[ Click on for Main defense form and guidance ]
3. Period: May 13(Mon) 09:00~ 17:00(1day)
4. How to apply: Apply through the GLS system
5. Period for the upload of thesis of master’s students for 2nd applicant: May 16(Thu) to 20(Sun)
■ Inquiry
① Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
031-290-5818 / skkuece@skku.edu / 1st Engineering Building, Room 21101A
② Interdisciplinary Program in Photovoltaic System Engineering
031-290-5818 / skkuece@skku.edu / 1st Engineering Building, Room 21101A
③ Department of Semiconductor Convergence Engineering:
031-299-4972 / parkhj723@skku.edu / Semiconductor Building, Room 400629