2024-2 Registration Guideline for enrolled_students(regular or research semesters)
- 정보통신대학/
- 2024-08-02
A student must register for regular or research semesters (Graduate students only) by paying the relevant fees in a timely manner.
■ Tuition Payment
- Enrolled students: Find the tuition invoice in the GLS and pay it by visiting a local bank or by transferring the funds to a designated virtual bank account during the payment period.
- Re-entering students: Make a re-entry request, then find the tuition invoice in the GLS and pay it by visiting a local bank or by transferring the funds to a designated virtual bank account during the payment period.
■ Registration Period
- | Period | ||
Regular Payment | 2024. 08. 22.(Thu) ~ 08. 29.(Thu), or 2024. 09. 02.(Mon) ~ 09. 06.(Fri) | ||
Installment Payment | Period of Application | 2024. 08. 19.(Mon) ~ 08. 21.(Wed) | |
Period of Payment | 2 Installments | 4 Installments | |
1st round | 2024. 08. 22.(Thu) ~ 08. 29.(Thu) / 09. 02.(Mon) ~ 09. 06.(Fri) | ||
2nd round | 2024. 10. 21.(Mon) ~ 10. 23.(Wed) | 2024. 10. 01.(Tue) ~ 10. 04.(Fri) | |
3rd round | - | 2024. 10. 21.(Mon) ~ 10. 23.(Wed) | |
4th round | - | 2024. 11. 11.(Mon) ~ 11. 13.(Wed) | |
Additional Semester | Period of Payment | 2024. 09. 12.(Thu) ~ 09. 13.(Fri) |
■ How to print tuition bill
1. Method: Login kingo(www.skku.edu) → GLS → Academics → Tuition → Print tuition bill
2. Date: Available from 2024. 08. 09.(Fri)
※ Student registering in additional semester can print after 2024. 09. 12.(Thu)
※ You can not print the bill after the payment.
■ How to make the payment
1. Regular Payment Registration
① Virtual Account Payment: Woori Bank Virtual Account (Available during : 09:00 ~ 17:00)
② Payment at Bank Branch: Within the bank’s hours of operation
③ Woori Credit card: Woori Card Homepage, Woori Card Call Center (1544-9797), Woori Bank branches
④ Samsung Credit Card : Samsung Card Homepage, Samsung Card Call Center (1688-9702)
⑤ Electronic Banking Service: Woori Bank Homepage Utility Fee(Academic Registration Fee) Menu
- GLS→Academic Status/Personal Area→Tuition fee→Print Tuition Notice→Payment of Tuition Fee in Foreign Currency
- Various payment method available (Credit Card, Bank Transfer), Parents’ credit card also available
- Various payment currency available (USD, CNY, KRW, etc)
※ If you wish to pay for optional fees (e.g. student council fee), you must add the fee to the registration fee and pay at once
2. Installment Payment Registration
① Eligibility: Students not yet registered during the registration period (applicants of student loan, research students, students exempted from additional semester is not eligible)
② Method: Login kingo(www.skku.edu) → GLS → Registration management→Apply for installment (choose either 2 or 4 times)
③ Payment: Make a virtual account payment by each deadline
※ Bill can be printed a day after the application submission
※ If you wish to pay for the optional fees, you must pay it in the first round of instalment payment
■ Research Semester Registration
A student who has completed General Graduate School, a Ph.D. in Professional Graduate School, or a combined Master/Ph.D. course is required to register the 4 consecutive research semesters to prepare a thesis and pass the thesis submission qualifying examination.
① To Whom: A student who has completed the General Graduate School, Ph.D. in the Professional Graduate School, or a Master/Ph.D. combined course
② Period: 2024. 08. 22.(Thu) ~ 08. 29.(Thu), or 2024. 09. 02.(Mon) ~ 09. 06.(Fri)
③ How to Pay the Fees: Same as Regular payment registration
- The fees need to be paid in 4 consecutive semesters. If any remains to be paid, a student is not allowed to apply for the thesis submission qualifying examination and thesis examination/defense.
■ Additional research semester Registration
Among students who have already paid 4 consecutive times of research semester can register additional research semester if they want to maintain the status of research student. Those who are participating in national R&D projects (e.g. BK) must register for research semester. (Contact: Research Support Team)
① To Whom: Students who need to additional research-enrollment register for this semester (student for already enrolled in more than 4th research semesters)
② Period: 2024. 08. 22.(Thu) ~ 09. 06.(Fri)
③ Method: Apply to GLS system within the period
: Login kingo(Korean) → GLS → 학적/개인영역 → 등록금 → 연구등록 추가신청(4학기초과)
- The research registration process is completed one week after application, and there is no payment fee.
④ Inquiries: Office of CICE icswenc@skku.edu
■ Registration Under a full scholarship
Student who get a 100% scholarship of tuition fee, should proceed a registration procedure as below.(Select one method below)
① To Whom: Student under a full scholarship(No mandatory fees)
② Period: 2024. 08. 22.(Thu) ~ 08. 29.(Thu), or 2024. 09. 02.(Mon) ~ 09. 06.(Fri)
③ Method(Select one method below)
(A) For student who are not wiling to pay the optional fees
Login kingo (www.skku.edu) → GLS → Application/Graduation Requirements Management (신청/자격관리) → Application for tuition fee → Application for registration under a full scholarship(전액장학금등록신청)> "등록신청" Click
※ Only if you want to cancel, Please Click "등록취소"
(B) For student who are not wiling to pay the optional fees(Visit the bank to register)
Print out tuition bill with “0” registration fee of “0” from GLS and visit Woori Bank during the payment period to process the payment (get stamp).
※ A student registering for the research semester must visit the bank to complete the registration process.( Unable to proceed with registration through GLS)
(C) For student who are wiling to pay the optional fees
Pay it by visiting a local bank or by transferring the funds to a designated virtual bank account during the payment period.
■ Confirming the payment
You may print out certificate of registration and certificate of payment at http://icert.skku.edu
※ For more detail, Please see the attached file.