Announcement Regarding the Graduation Gowns Rental for 2024 Summer(~8/13(Tue))
- 정보통신대학/
- 2024-08-12
Greetings from SURE!, the 56th Student Council of SKKU.
For undergraduates and postgraduates, we have organized the graduation gowns rental service. Warmest congratulations on your graduation.
■ Rental Information
○ Eligibility: Graduating students in August 2024
※ Only bachelor’s and master’s gowns are provided for the rental.
※ Only the students who have received the degree can rent the gowns.
○ Rental Period: Friday, August 16, 2024 – Sunday, August 25, 2024, every day from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. (Except Lunch time: 12:00 ~ 13:00)
※ Rental is unavailable during lunch time (Lunch time: 12:00 ~ 13:00)
○ Return Policy: Until 6 P.M. on the day of rental
○ Rental Location
- Humanities and Social Sciences Campus: International Hall 1F Lounge
- Natural Sciences Campus: Student Center 1F Small Auditorium
○ Preparation: ID (Registration Card, Driver’s License, Residence Card, Passport), Bag for the Gown
※ Student ID card is not accepted as deposit.
※ We ask for your understanding that rental is available only after submission of ID card as a deposit.
■ Application for Graduation Gowns Rental
○ Application Period: Tuesday, August 6, 2024 – Tuesday, August 13, 2024
○ Application Process
1) Access GLS through PC version
2) Click [Application/Graduation Requirements (신청/자격관리)] → Enter [금학기졸업자학위복대여신청]
3) Enter visiting date, campus, and refund account information and press apply
4) Pay 5,000 won to the virtual account
○ Rental Fee: 5,000 won
※ Virtual account will be provided for the payment when the rental request is successfully submitted. Cash payment will not be supported.
※ Due to the bank policy, issuing the virtual account may not operate from 12:00 to 12:10 A.M. (12:00 to 12:40 A.M. on Fridays).
※ The rental fee will be refunded if the gown is not rented after the payment.
■ Multiple Times Rental Policy
○ There is no limit to the number of times to rent the gowns, but only one gown can be rented at a time.
○ The previously rented must be returned before renting another gown
○ The rental fee is 5,000 won regardless of the number of times of the rent.
○ Please know that an unused gown will be provided for the first rent, and a used gown will be available to rent after the first rent.
■ Information on Late Fees
○ Regardless of the number of rental times, Gowns must be returned by 6 P.M. on the day of rental.
○ Late fees will be charged if gowns are returned after 6 P.M. on the day of rental.
○ Late Fee
- Late on the day of rental: 5,000 won
※ It will be applied from returning after 6 P.M. on the day of rental.
- 10,000 won is added for each day of overdue payment.
ex) Returned at 6:20 P.M. on the day of rental: 5,000 won
ex) Return the day after rental: 10,000 won
ex) Return after 3 days of rental: 30,000 won
※ The late payment fee will go into the student council fee account.
※ Please understand that late fees are inevitably imposed to prevent the loss and damage of the graduation suit.
- Returned one day after rental: 10,000 won
■ Parking Information
○ Parking fee discounts will be provided for those who have rented graduation gowns.
○ Parking Fee
- Humanities and Social Sciences Campus: 3,000 won for 4 hours
- Natural Sciences Campus: 2,000 won for 4 hours
○ Parking fee payment process: Scan the provided QR Code with camera → Enter the vehicle number, and select the vehicle → Mobile payment after checking the parking fee → Exit after payment
※ QR Codes will be provided at the rental site.
※ Additional fee will be charged for any vehicle staying in the campus more than 30 minutes after the payment.
※ In case of HSSC, the parking space is small, so use public transportation if possible.
■ Further Announcement
○ Only traditional graduation gowns are available to rent.
○ For the sake of convenience, any peer who has the graduate’s ID card can rent and return the gown.
○ Photo walls and backdrops will be installed during the rental period.
○ In case of lost or damaged gowns, the corresponding fee may be charged:
*Traditional Bachelor’s Degree Gown Set: 132,000 won
*Traditional Master’s Degree Gown Set: 179,000 won
■ For Ph.D. and Combined Students
Ph.D. and Combined students cannot borrow graduation clothes from the university. Instead of that, students have to rental the clothes by themselves. There are two types of clothes (① Traditional style clothes, ② Ordinary style clothes) You can choose one of them and buy or rental the clothes from the private companies.
○ Private company [“Sung Eui Sa” (성의사)]
① You can buy your own Traditional style & Ordinary style clothes in here or borrow them
② Homepage:
③ Address: 서울시 용산구 후암동 244-50
④ Phone Number: 02-754-7650 / 02-754-2612
⑤ Payment
- Rental: 100,000 (Korean) won
- Buy: Please refer to the homepage(
■ Fixed Color of the clothes for MS/Ph.D. : Orange Color (주황색) for Engineering (Including the Department of Electrical and computer engineering, etc.)
■ Further Inquiries
○ Social Exchange Department KakaoTalk Channel: @skkugradu
※ If there is any questions for the rent, Please contact us through KakaoTalk first.
Congratulations on your graduation, graduates who are about to begin their journey at Sungkyunkwan University. SURE!, the student council, will support for you to be full of words of confidence in your path that will shine brighter.